Basic Forestry Shortcourse
Basic Forestry Shortcourse is an introductory program for people who are new to managing a small woodland property. Through a combination of classroom instruction and field days, participants learn about forest ecology, common management activities such as tree planting, thinning, and harvesting, and rules and regulations that apply to forestlands. The shortcourse is generally presented over a series of days (about 16 hours instruction time, total). The Basic Forestry Shortcourse is a core class offered throughout the state periodically by our local FNR Extension agents. Check with your local OSU Extension office for upcoming Basic Forestry Shortcourse offerings in your area.
Christmas Tree Program
The OSU Christmas tree program is based at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center in Clackamas county, the heart of Christmas tree production in Oregon. Christmas tree breeding, tree growth and culturing, Integrated Pest and Farm Management (IPM) are the main focus of the program. Learn more about the Christmas tree program!
Fire Program
Wildfires cost the state of Oregon millions of dollars each year; and billions across the Nation. Forestry & Natural Resources Extension aims to offers a comprehensive, consistent, and cohesive approach to a Fire Program for all Oregonians. Learn more about the Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Fire Program.

Land Steward Program
The Land Steward Program is dedicated to helping owners achieve a viable and sustainable vision for their land. Join us to learn more about your land, figure out what you want to do with it, and make a plan to get you there. OSU faculty, Land Steward volunteers and local partners work together to provide trainings, community classes, land tours, workshops, and the regional Land Steward Conference: Living on Your Land. These offer a wide range of topics relevant to rural living and stewardship. Learn more about the Land Steward Program.
Master Woodland Manager
The Master Woodland Manager (MWM) training is offered by Oregon State University Forestry Extension as a master's level course for landowners who are interested in an intensive forest management training and sharing the knowledge gained through this training with people in their local communities. Graduates of the program have been serving Oregon for 20 years. Learn more about the Master Woodland Manager training!
Northwest Fire Science Consortium
The Northwest Fire Science Consortium works to accelerate the awareness, understanding, and adoption of wildland fire science. We connect managers, practitioners, scientists, and local communities and collaboratives working on fire issues on forest and range lands in Washington and Oregon. Learn more about the Northwest Fire Science Consortium!
Oregon Environmental Literacy Program
The goal of the Oregon Environmental Literacy Program is to support teachers in collaboration with non-formal educators to foster Environmental Literacy of Kindergarten through 12th grade students by engaging students in activities and experiences that: increase their awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the environment and their relationship to it; allow them to participate as citizens in the stewardship of the environment; prepare them to engage in actions that ensure a sustainable future; and help them contribute to establishing healthy lifestyles. Learn more about the Oregon Environmental Literacy Program.
Oregon Forest Pest Detectors
Oregon Forest Pest Detectors (OFPDs) are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of invasive forest insects. They apply these skills in their day-to-day activities as arborists, parks managers, foresters, community tree stewards, Master Gardeners and other roles. Learn more about the Oregon Forest Pest Detectors.
Oregon Naturalist
Do you love the outdoors? Do you want to learn more about natural history and the management of Oregon's natural resources -- and volunteer your time in service for Oregon’s natural places? By becoming an Oregon Naturalist you: Learn science-based information: The natural history of plants, animals, habitats, and geology. The history and processes of landscape change. And relevant topics in present-day sustainable natural resource management; Grow your community: Meet beginner and expert naturalists in your area; Share your love of the land: Help others learn about Oregon’s outdoors; and Make an impact: Volunteer for natural resources programs, agencies, and organizations in your community. Learn more about Oregon Naturalist!
Oregon Natural Resources Education Program
The Oregon Natural Resources Education Program (ONREP) is committed to providing educators with professional development that is relevant, meaningful, and place-based. Through hands-on, interactive, and investigative strategies that foster "how to think, not what to think," educators learn how to meet state and national learning standards while engaging students in nature-based learning that promotes the development of critical thinking and creative problem-solving needed for life and work in the 21st century. Learn more about the Oregon Natural Resources Education Program!
Oregon Season Tracker
Oregon Season Tracker (OST) is a project of Oregon State University that aims to link natural resource managers, educators, researchers and others in the community to the science they use through collaborative citizen science. As a citizen scientist volunteer you will gather scientific data on precipitation and seasonal plant changes (phenology) at your home, woodland, farm, ranch or school to share with other observers and research partners statewide. Learn more about Oregon Season Tracker!
Ties to the Land
Ties to the Land focuses on succession planning, the human side of estate planning. This workshop will focus on strategies to maintain ties to the land from one generation to the next; building awareness of the key challenges facing family businesses; and motivating families to address the challenges. It is a facilitated and interactive workshop with DVD-based components that provides effective tools families can use to decide the future of their land. Learn more about Ties to the Land!
Tree School
Every year, Tree School is hosted in various counties around the state of Oregon. Organized by Oregon State University's Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Program, Tree School is a festival of learning for people who love forests. OSU and agency experts teach dozens of workshops covering everything from chainsaw safety to mushroom identification to wood product marketing. Join us, and learn more about Tree School!
Women Owning Woodlands Network
The Women Owning Woodlands Network (WOWNet) is a diverse, enthusiastic, group of women who are interested in woodland management. WOWNet allows women to come together to learn about forest management, share their forestry and natural resources experiences, and exchange personal knowledge in a unique peer-to-peer learning environment. The group encompasses many different knowledge sources and diverse management goals. WOWNet women are working in forests, they are owning forests, and they are actively engaged in land management. Learn more about WOWNet!